"Photography, alone of the arts, seems perfected to serve the desire humans have for a moment - this very moment, to stay." - Sam Abell

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Slowing Down

Sometimes you just need a breather. Alone time. I know I've been needing some. This is my special place, and I've been looking forward to simply sitting in the sand, feeling the wind, and feeling the icy water on my toes. This is another one of my God places. Quieting my heart, I feeling simply surrounded by his love. This was my favorite part of the day. 

I found this verse while sitting there and can't help but share its comfort:

“I, the LORD, have called you in righteousness;
I will take hold of your hand.
I will keep you..." Isaiah 42:6a

Prop Secrets

Secret prop I've been working on today, for a cute little boy. Yes, that's why you can't see it very well :). Oh, how few my words are tonight. I'm going to stop trying to make them come and just sign off :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Once Upon...

Stories that begin with "once upon a time" are always the best kinds of stories! They'll take you away to another time and place. So long as you've kept your imagination with you. But if you've forgotten what it's like to dream and to laugh. To fly, and run as fast as the wind. To go on adventures and be the beauty or the hero. Well then, what a terrible loss that would be. 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Game Day

After a month of working on Grand Prix cars, my brothers finally got to race them today. All three of them. A pirate ship car, a candy cane car, and a sword car. And, a few of them brought home trophies :).

Later in the day, Luke and I headed out to a football game. The flags were forgotten and so they ended up playing tackle which resulted in a very skinned up Luke..

The Best Days

Though not feeling the best today, I was pleasantly surprised at finding a love letter in the mail from my sweetheart. These are the best kinds of days! And, what made it even better was a date to a little, romantic restaurant. I have the best man in the world! He's so sweet to me. It makes my heart sing :)

This was our attempt at a self portrait, in very low lighting with a 50mm lens.. Doesn't work too well :) But it was fun!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Dentist Day

Some would call today a bad day and others a good day. It was a dentist day. If needles aren't involved, I unlike my mother, love to go to the dentist. And, leaving without having to come back in a few days makes it all the better. :)

No, I'm not this enthusiastic about the dentist normally, but it was the most exciting thing that happened today... :)

Tried something different with editing today too...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I'm going to share an embarrassing story with you all. This pie was not meant for my family, but we ate it...all of it. *sheepish grin* I made it for a neighbor but the tapioca didn't seem to dissolve like it was supposed to. Having never made this pie before I wasn't sure if it even tasted good either! And, with all the "what, you didn't make that for us?? from my brothers, how could I resist cutting a slice. Pie number two for the neighbors starts tomorrow and this time it's getting over there. Oh, did I mention it was delicous?? =D


In this wonderful Florida weather we have done here, I spent the day with my brothers around town and eventually ended up at the park. I must be a Florida girl if I'm okay with about a month of cold weather. However, I must say it's always the weirdest feeling the first time you sweat at the beginning of the year. I won't complain though :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Day's Adventure

What an absolutely odd day it has been! I started out going over to my neighbors house to get some wood cut. The wood was for the base of the center piece in this picture. After a few futile attempts at trying to get smooth cut circles, my neighbor called a friend. So we jumped in the car, and ended up at a sawmill in Eustis. We walked around in about a foot of sawdust as far as you could see. And, found a bunch of Ostridge's staring at me. They were the creepiest things. Even though I knew they were behind a fence and I was safe, the fact that their necks stuck through them about three feet was just weird... Seriously stinks that I didn't have my camera with me :( However, this picture is the finished product of my days adventures :D

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Try It Once More

I would be lying if I told you I don't have my discouraging days. Sometimes I feel like quitting and that what I'm doing simply isn't making a difference. But then, I remember who I'm doing it for. And, that even though I'm one small person, my God is bigger than any problem or discouragement. All He asks of me is my heart and to step out in faith and He'll take care of the rest. May I ever rest in His arms, not striving on my own. Because I simply cannot do it on my own.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


It's been an entirely long day! My ability to be so immersed in one thing gets on my nerves when it comes to editing. Especially when my special man comes over to spend time with me and I with all my heart want to but I must tell him that he needs to drag me away from lightroom. I just get so excited with new pictures :). I do however put a limit on it, so I did get to spend lovely time with Lukey tonight. :) Goodnight world!

New In The Old

I took my first bike ride ever of the Minneola trail head today. So fun! Especially in this wonderful weather we've been having. Having a special friend to do it with always helps too :). How time flies when you're lost in conversation. =)

Friday, January 20, 2012

A Quiet House

Don't you just love those days when you're home by yourself and don't have anything you must go out and do? I love them! Quietness is my friend (at times). There's so many things you can do: play the piano, clean, make something to eat (without a bunch of brothers eating it all), and my favorite, think. I like hearing my thoughts now and then.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Catching Up

I feel as if backed up things are beginning to be caught up. And what a lovely feeling it is! However, that sort of stuff does not make for a very interesting blog post. Therefore, I will sign out saying that I only have 15 more days of this project. Must make these last 15 posts count =D

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Home Again Home Again

On this fabulous last day of vacation, we hit up Anastasia State park. The beach there is absolutely gorgeous! With very few people. The sun decided to peak out of the clouds every couple of minutes. And, when it did the temperature was perfect. This may be way far out there to wish for, but I wish I had a beach house right on the water. There's something so invigorating about the ocean. The size of it maybe? It forces me to realize how small I am in the midst of everything. Another one of those beautiful things that makes me feel closer to God.

Monday, January 16, 2012

St. Augustine 3

Morning number two of waking up to a glorious breakfast :). We then headed off to the castle! It was quite the experience, but unfortunately we weren't allowed to get any pictures... without paying a large fee. Maybe next time :).

We spent the rest of the day doing whatever we pleased. What a wonderful feeling that is! And, finished out the night at a cozy, tucked in the corner restaurant that had live music, a lit outdoor area, and space heaters. So fun!

Hitting up the beach tomorrow! Goodnight world!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

St. Augustine 2

Well, today we woke up to a very welcome smell! Breakfast! Jeanie's breakfast at that. The very best! Something we look forward to eating every year. The rest of today was filled with church, bike riding, shopping, and a movie. I'm now ready for bed, but excited for tomorrow's castle adventure.

Oh, and I forgot to mention the chocolate shop.. :) Who could resist??

Saturday, January 14, 2012

St. Augustine 1

We have arrived! I'm sitting here in my cozy, Victorian room writing this out and getting ready for some sleep. I love how the moment we turn off the highway and enter this town, the feeling of being far removed from the rest of the world sets in. Tonight we attended a changing of the guard at the plaza and ate dinner at a Vegan restaurant. Yum! Now just to clean up this beautiful room before bed that we've exploded with our over abundance of stuff with.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Today we used the family Christmas present. We spent the day at Islands of Adventure. Most of the day...it took us quite awhile to get there :P. Must say my favorite part was the Harry Potter world. First time seeing that. And, oh my! The butterbeer was delicious!! And, I'm such a weakling for castles! Oh they were wonderful, even if they were fake.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Progress in a Motivation-less State

Despite my lack of motivation this evening, I did get a number of things done. Simply do to the fact that they absolutely had to get done tonight because I will have no time to do them later. IOA tomorrow with the family and my favorite man.  Then, St. Augustine on Saturday! Must pack... So excited!!

Finally made room on my desk for my laptop today :) I'd say that's some progress.

Check Off

The office is almost finished now. I spent the day moving files back into file cabinets. So many files... Needless to say my lower back is going to be quite sore tomorrow. But the best part of today was getting up extra early to eat breakfast with Luke before work :). I love seeing him in the early morning. And, I totally wiped my old laptop tonight. That's been on my list of things to do for months now. Off to the post office with it in the morning and I'll never have to look at it again!

Do I have a fetish with my glitter? Yes I do :)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Planner

Today I bought myself a 2012 planner, so that I can organize my life. =D It might not be healthy how much I like to rely on my planners. But they make me happy nonetheless. I love crazy days like today. I love being around people on fire for God and people that have a passion. It's always so encouraging!

Monday, January 9, 2012


This is a very special spot to me. I have some very special memories here on this hill. It also provides a gorgeous view at night of the moon. Love this picture! And, I love the city lights. Tonight is a night I'd like to sleep under the stars.


Okay, so is it too terrible that this picture wasn't actually taken today? It's one of my favorites from the wedding and what I finished up editing today! So excited it's all finished and ready to be given to the clients. Now, I'm ready for some more shoots!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cram Time

I hate to be brief and boring tonight, but I'm cramming school tonight. Just a few more questions now! I can do this..

Isn't this plant neat? They look like little lanterns and they are everywhere in the garden!

Patience Is A Virtue

So it's midnight right now and I'm making a calendar in my bed... I got the neatest make your own calendar kit today at Michaels and I'm too excited to wait til tomorrow. I must at least look at it now :). Why must I be so impatient sometimes?! I just get so excited about things... :)

Blog Hop!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Girls Night

Today I've been contemplating what to do once this project is finished. I've decided to begin another blog, but won't be announcing it and what exactly it is until the day after this project ends. Apart from working on that, I had a girls night out with friends. Hit up the gym and then Olive Garden. Yum! And, then the best part was watching Bride Wars. Best movie ever! Now to stay warm, get some sleep, and get ready for lots and lots of school tomorrow... :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Paper Roses

First day back to the gym this year =D It was wonderful! Especially after the fact. The rest of today consisted of errand running, hanging up curtains =), Bible work, a hydro massage (so neat!) and....newspaper roses!

I'm feeling a little writers block this evening. Could it quite possibly be from the papers I've been having to write today? My brain says it is finished for the night. Maybe I should listen to it.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A New Board

So I added another project to the list. But it's a good one, because I started it and finished it in one day. A few hours ago this was an old $1 bulletin board. I love the way it turned out!

I'm now cuddled up next to the warm fire, thawing my frozen toes and fingers. Preparing myself to clean up the mess I made making this board. Goodnight world :) Stay warm tonight!

Monday, January 2, 2012

A Lil Different

Trying to keep it together today. I'm shamed to say I was up til an ungodly hour last night and slept til 12:30 today... Is that terrible? lol. So not like me. And, quite hard to say what exactly I did today, since I don't remember most of it and because it was so short. Other then the pictures from this shoot today. Lots of fun!

A Few Projects

As you can see, I'm feeling creative today...not, as far as pictures go :).  I'm working on curtains, a dress, and an apron. Upon pressing all the fabric and sitting down to start, I found the cord missing. So they've been put on hold for a day or so, until I can find one.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Last of 2011

Booked our 2012 St. Augustine trip today! So very excited! And, to think it's so close now! This Project 365 will see our trip one last time.

I've decided to make an Alice in Wonderland dress. Or at least piece it together. I'm sitting here cutting the fabric as I anticipate putting it together. And, about to head out for a movie at my lovey's house. Happy New Year's Eve. Are you making any New Year's resolutions? I think I've finally gotten all mine written out, not that there are that many =D... But I think it's always something fun to do! Making small goals has always been fun to me.

Friends From The Past

Today I returned those lovely lens I've been having fun with all week. I think I'll be returning there soon :).

It's a record. I didn't start editing pictures from the wedding til later today. So, so happy with how they turned out!

We had a wonderful visit with some old friends from Texas this afternoon. Fajitas and Mom's delicious salsa were prepared for the occasion! Having them here brought back many memories and hearing their stories as foster parents brought many laughs.