"Photography, alone of the arts, seems perfected to serve the desire humans have for a moment - this very moment, to stay." - Sam Abell

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Change of Seasons

Don't you just love it when you wake up after a cold front has come through and the rest of the house is cold, but you're nice and toasty under your covers? Oh, the days of freezing toes. Slipped on the fuzzy socks for the first time this year and hopefully it will be like this till Christmas time.
Took this pretty girls sweet sixteen pictures today. I must say doing single person pictures is a nice change from multiple people :).

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Okay, it's not a flower..but it'll have to do for today. Still so much to do and it's getting late. Dinner is just now being served. Gotta love late night dinners.. :) 
So today is Day 300, only 65 to go. O my, o my! Can't believe I've been doing this for almost a year now. Eek!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Lazy Day Weather

Today's been a stay at home kinda day. The weather this afternoon was perfect for it too. I'd say progress slowed down about that time, because all I wanted to do was be lazy :). But I did manage to get the car cleaned (in the rain =D ) and many other household chores. Now it's time to crack down on the knitting and school work...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Few New Things

This last Sunday of November has been a day of new things. New church with Luke this morning to hear a certain man speak that I've been waiting to meet for a long while now. Checked out the farmer's market downtown, which has been going on ever since I moved to Clermont but I've never gone. And last but not least, did my family's Christmas pictures this evening. Not any easy thing. But lets not go into that now =D.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Worth Waiting For

You'd think I'd sleep in after yesterday's shopping festivities, but no... I finished up working on my website and posted it this morning. www.ambermaliaphotography.com  So excited about it!
Spent the rest of the day with Luke and the kids. Had a lovely lunch out, shot some pictures with Lydia, and removed a rather large piece of wood out of Joseph's foot. Yes, it has been a good day.

Shop Away The Day

Though mom and I decided not to do our early Black Friday shopping, that doesn't mean we didn't go shopping or spend as much time shopping. We didn't get out there til late morning, but we didn't get back til after dark. Lots of fun as usual and at the end of the day lots of foot aches. So...we topped the day off with a pedicure. Oh, one has never felt so lovely! Sparkly red for the holidays. :)

Thursday, November 24, 2011


This has been a truly, wonderful Thanksgiving. I have so much to be grateful for. Whenever I take the time to sit down and count my blessings, I always come away feeling so content and ashamed at the same time wondering why I don't thank God everyday for the things I've been given. I am so blessed.

I did a shoot with this wonderful family this morning. Last minute, but I'm loving the way they turned out. Now if only the boys were looking in this one...

So after searching through all the black friday ads, I came to the realization that there just aren't any amazing deals we were interesting in. Therefore, Mom and I have called off our early black friday shopping and will go later in the day. That way, we won't look like zomies for our family shoot tomorrow evening. Goodnight everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Let the Christmas festivities begin!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pie Time Take 2

This day has been filled with an array of different things. This morning we started off with a makeup party here at the house. Then, the day of shopping began :) Nothing like some girl shopping that'll wear you out. But that's what ice cream is for right?! And, it's finally pie time. This is the second apple pie I've made this year. Next the pecan tort... And, I'm thinking this night calls for a Christmas movie.

It's beginning to look a lot like....

Last day of work for the week :) As I looked out the door of the office, I could see and hear the men working on covering the trees in white Christmas lights. And, the top of city hall now has it's Christmas tree displayed on the outside porch. It's very festive =D... The Thanksgiving holiday preparations have already began, as far as grocery shopping is concerned. The pie making shall start tomorrow. :) And, so shall some shopping (and I don't mean grocery shopping).

P.S. I would like to be in a Winter Wonderland like this right now...

Monday, November 21, 2011

A New Style

Tonight calls for a different kind of picture. I cut my bangs tonight and I love them! Now tomorrow I might think differently when they are blowing all in my face but for now it's something different :).

It was a wonderfully full day at work. And, I came home to a dark house without power. Only lasted for a couple hours, but we had fun running around finding candles to light up each and every room in the house. I'm thankful for a warm house to come home to everyday, where I don't have to be anyone but me. =D

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Something Different

Facials on a Sunday morning? That's exactly what I did today, for a girls Sunday school. Love doing it! Then, church, Awana, and Chipotle (twice in one day, that just can't be right :D ). Gearing up now for a full day at work tomorrow and a few shoots this week. Can I please see my bed now? I'm overwhelmed just thinking about everything that's happening this week! A busy, good looking week =D

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Not Too Quickly

Today, I rose before the sun did :). And, spent the majority of the day in Orlando with the bf (that would be best friend in this case ^_^ ). We headed to Park Avenue for a special treat from Aunt Steph and had lots of fun looking in the shops, especially the Vera Wang exclusive dress store. Fun fun :) Now it's time to cuddle up with lovie and watch a movie....Don't come too quickly Sunday morning, it's time to slow down for just a bit.

Slightly odd picture, but I like it :)

Friday, November 18, 2011

Fluffy Ears

I had my first day back to work since the fire. How good it felt in many ways! Though, it won't be steady again til the beginning of the year it was a good change up. And, I might say how strange it is to come home from work and have Luke greet me at the door of my own house... :) Walked to the donkey rescue farm this evening with Luke. And, I couldn't help but take a pictures of this little cuties hair. They were so fluffy!

Snow Berries

These little, blue berries remind me of a frosted Christmas tree. This has indeed been a very stressful day, one in which I'd rather not talk about. One good thing however, is the fact that my camera remote and flower petal came in the mail. :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bokeh Effect

Okay, experimentation night! I think this Bokeh effect is so cool! These are Christmas lights with this flower diecut on a piece of paper that I'm pressing against the front of the lens. Last minute idea and it turned out pretty neat.
What shall I say about today...it was filled with many lovely things? Including a morning with my favorite guy and a Christmas movie (don't judge me :) ) this evening... :) Yes, it was lovely.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

New Adventures, New Places

Headed out for a shoot with this lovely lady earlier today and got some awesome shots! In love with the backgrounds too :) Did a lot of driving around and had a few adventures, met some interesting people, and got eaten alive by mosquito's. Can't say that last part was very enjoyable, but we did have a fun time slapping them off of each other. Excited to shoot my family's pictures here sometime this coming week (hopefully).

Monday, November 14, 2011

It's That Time Again

We have a tradition around here (my family that is) to decorate for Christmas on Halloween. We're running a bit behind this year. Brought all the decorations down from the attic today though. And, set it all up whilst listening to Christmas music, and very special Christmas music at that. A Dolly Parton cd we've been listening to every year since I was very little. So, needless to say it brings back so many wonderful memories. Eggnog, Christmas picture clothes shopping, and knitting while watching a Christmas movie. It doesn't get much better then that. Hey, I'm just enjoying it before it's gone again. Thankful for quiet nights like this one.

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I'm in love with these hair bows! They are so fun to make too! These are the colors we'll be coordinating to for our family Christmas shoot. Now finding the clothes to make everyone match will be the tricky part. This was about the extent of my productiveness for the day. But that's okay because it's a day to rest. Tomorrow morning...hitting this room with some hardcore cleaning!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Smaller is Better

Okay, I've gotten my second wind tonight. I can do this. Well from what wasn't going to be a very busy Saturday turned into one late last night. Running all day, but a good kind of busy. I did get to go on an adventure with Caleb in the woods to find pine cones for a friend of mine. We have a loner pine tree in the way back that is different than normal pine trees around here. It produces miniature pine cones that are absolutely perfect and cute in every way! We found them and delivered them :). Then, a bonfire with some friends tonight and yummy, yummy chili!

Somethings Gone A Missin'

So I've just sat down to do a project, all excited, and realize I need my hot, glue gun which I had used the day before. Well, sadly the bag in which it was in and a bunch of other things I loved dearly is missing and I don't believe it will be found. I'm thinking someone through it away and the trash went out this morning... So this is about how far I got with my project tonight.
p.s. This title makes me laugh. I'm tired...

Thursday, November 10, 2011

It's Time

Made these holiday wreaths with a special friend today! I'd say it's time to get in the spirit before it's gone. Thanksgiving is only two weeks away now! It's coming so fast I'm not sure I'm ready... But isn't that how it always goes.
Hibachi grill and High Five = Date Night. Umm...yum!! It's safe to say I have the best guy in the world. =D Just sayin.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Every Home, A Story

Okay, I've done way too much on the computer today. Tomorrow shall be a computer break for me.
Every house has a story. If walls could speak what they would say. Houses like this always make such questions arise in my mind.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Golden Light

"A breeze came wandering from the sky, light as the whispers of a dream; He put the overhanging grasses by, and softly stooped to kiss the stream, The pretty stream, the flattered stream, The shy, yet unreluctant stream of wind" - William Cullen Bryant

“If you reveal your secrets to the wind you should not blame the wind for revealing them to the trees.”

The idea for a website is beginning to creep up again. Hmm.. Not again :) We'll see what'll happen. Okay, that's all for tonight. I'm sleepy. =D

Monday, November 7, 2011

At Heart

"She was the purest beauty, But not the common kind, She had a way about her, That made you feel alive, And for a moment You made the world stand still" -This song has been stuck in my head all day... :)

Tonight I want to sleep under the stars. I want to be in the open air. And, I want to dance. =D These thoughts come as a result of not running around like crazy. Days that I get to hear my thoughts and they always come back to something similar to these. Romantic at heart? I'd say so. Very much so.

English Autumn Days

It was one of those perfect English autumnal days which occur more frequently in memory than in life.
~P.D. James

This day has felt very much like a Thanksgiving day :) Chilly, overcast outside, close friends, and a homemade meal at church. What could be cozier? And, to top it off I went holiday craft shopping at Michaels! It's pretty ridiculous how happy that makes me. Walking down every Christmas aisle like 10 times with a big smile on my face, and dancing to the Christmas music when no one was watching.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Exciting News

It's too late for this :) even with the time change. Daylight savings time tells me that the holidays are right around the corner. And I can't sleep because all I can think about it my cousin getting engaged!!! Ah I'm so excited :) And, I've decided it's never too late to call... =D

So this picture wasn't from today, obviously. I don't know of any apple orchard's near here. It was from up in Georgia when we went apple "picking." I never uploaded any from then so I thought I'd share one.

Friday, November 4, 2011

This Is My Home

Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you.

"There is a place I know, a place I've found that I can be free. I can be me. I can run forever, I can ride on the back of a flying horse, swing from a tree with filtering sun warming my face, stand on the shore and be caressed by the breeze, rock on the porch, share my heart, laugh, and watch things grow. This must be a tiny glimpse of my eternal home."

Look at this little cutie! Did a family shoot this evening and couldn't help but snap a few of this guy playing in his wagon.

>.< watermark is not working this evening...

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Rising Sun

Shot my first morning session this morning, bright and early. I'll stick to the evening shoots for convenience. Though, we did have a really good time, lots of laughs, and some great shots. Decided to take this picture after I got home because I didn't need them in it for it. .. I think it's past my bed time. Goodnight!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Dusty Path To No Where

I'm struggling to keep my eyes open as I'm writing this. The day has absolutely worn me out. Sun up to sun down. New experiences, driving around the backroads, and making new friends. Starting all over again early tomorrow morning. Engagement shoot :) I love my life! God is so good.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


This day was filled with many things, too many to mention. But all of it together made for a lovely, fast paced day. After much thinking and prepping, I'm excited about my two upcoming shoots this week. Lots of cute ideas!!
I was reminded again today of how soon this project will be over. Less than 100 days now. I can't believe it's been that long. Only a few more months to go. Whatever will I do?